(877) 745-0008

How to understand everything

Social Security

What you need to know when filing for Social Security

The government doesn’t seem to make anything very easy to understand.  Social Security is no exception.  You would think you could maximize your  SS benefit by waiting until age 70 to start taking your benefits.  That is often times not the case.  You may leave too much money on the table or lose more to SS taxation.  How can you know when is the best time to file?  Can you call SS and ask?  Sadly, no.  It takes advanced software that can run all the different filing scenarios for you, and come up with your best strategy.  We have it, and we are happy to share it with you free of charge.

Click Below to Download your Free Social Security White Paper!


Retirement Should Spell Freedom


    43537 Ridge Park Drive, Temecula, California 92590




    Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm

    Saturday : By appointment

     **Virtual and in Person Meetings Available


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