Retirement can be likened to a puzzle with 7 major pieces:

Tax Reduction:
With the national debt soaring daily, upward of 22 trillion dollars, and 92 cents of every tax dollar going to Medicare and Social Security alone, it’s easy to see why taxes must go up in the near future. At present the Congressional Budget Office is looking for the highest tax bracket to be upwards of 64%. Kind of like the tax rates we experienced in the 70’s. In today’s tax numbers alone, retirees can expect to lose over 35% of their IRA’s / 401k’s to taxation, not to mention SS taxation, and increasing required minimum distributions. Most brokers do not have the tax-reduction discussion with their clients, yet it’s the most important discussion you could have in regards to planning a successful retirement. We specialize in tax-reduction and tax-elimination strategies, to assist you in being tax-free, or darn close to it… in your retirement years.

Social Security:
The government doesn’t seem to make anything very easy to understand. Social Security is no exception. You would think you could maximize your SS benefit by waiting until age 70 to start taking your benefits. That is often times not the case. You may leave too much money on the table or lose more to SS taxation. How can you know when is the best time to file? Can you call SS and ask? Sadly, no. It takes advanced software that can run all the different filing scenarios for you, and come up with your best strategy. We have it, and we are happy to share it with you free of charge.

Medicare is another perfect example of making things overly complicated, that are actually quite simple. Medicare is an easy-to-use, easy-to-understand medical benefit, that is actually very rich, and covers you better than most any major medical plan, and for a lot less money. But there are so many letters, and so many terms… Part A, B, C, D, MediGap, MedSup, Advantage Plan, HMO, PPO, PFFS… and a partridge in a pear tree! Let us cut through all the jargon for you and make it simple and fun. Medicare is one of the richest retirement benefits you can have, so attend a workshop or free, personal consultation and let our Medicare advisory pro’s walk you through it. We are here to be advocates for you.

Guaranteed Income / Personal Pension:
Pensions from work are becoming a thing of the past. Many retirees have a 401k instead of a pension, which can be unpredictable, going up and down with the market, and heavily taxed. Will the money in an unpredictable account be able to go the distance with you? Outliving your money is the #1 fear of all Baby Boomers. With increased longevity due to advances in modern medicine, this is a very real fear. Thankfully, it IS possible to create a personal pension that is guaranteed as an income stream for life. These newer personal pensions are flexible, offering control of your money, growth, and shelter from taxation, if structured properly. We can share a customized strategy with you on how to create a personal pension, and reduce or eliminate taxation.

Long & Short Term Care:
With increased longevity and rising health care costs, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that one long-term care need can wipe out all or part of your retirement savings. In California 2019’s statistics showed the average cost of care was $120,000 per year. If you don’t have long-term care insurance already, getting it can be difficult, risky, and grossly expensive. Let us show you alternatives to long-term care insurance, some of which you don’t even have to pay for. Really. No foolin’.

Liability Protection:
Do you have a trust or a will? Which one should you have? What’s the difference? Actually, there’s quite a bit of difference! We are not attorneys, but we will review the differences in trusts vs. wills, and refer you to a trust attorney who can help. Avoiding probate is the main thing. Protecting your assets and the assets you pass on to your heirs, is key.

Legacy to Heirs:
Did you know that under the new SECURE Act, it’s no longer a good idea to pass on an IRA to loved ones? It can now be a tremendous tax burden. There are many other considerations to take into account when passing on a legacy to your loved ones, spouse, children, grandchildren, and charities. We can share some strategies that will allow you to pass burden-free, tax-free dollars to your loved ones. We can also show you how to spend every dollar you’ve saved on yourself and your lifestyle, while still leaving a legacy to loved ones. After all, it’s your money…shouldn’t you enjoy spending it??
Retirement Should Spell Freedom
43537 Ridge Park Drive, Temecula, California 92590